Category Archives: Uncategorized
1. Stresses Resolved, Illness Remitted
After conventional and alternative therapies had failed, a man in his mid-forties used non-invasive Graf Stress Management to reverse a late-stage terminal illness. To date, it is the only effective Mind-Body or energy healing technique I’ve ever seen. Continue reading
2. Example: Stress Management For Infertility
My husband and I had struggled with infertility. Once I took care of the subconscious stresses that were preventing me from becoming pregnant, conception occurred quickly and naturally. Continue reading
3. What Do We Mean By “Stress”?
The stresses which undermine us physically and mentally are deeper than just the tensions of daily life. They have more to do with failing to live up to our value standards; harboring fear, guilt, anger, resentment or low self-esteem; troubled relationships; and negative thoughts, feelings, or expectations. Continue reading
4. Our Intelligence Knows What’s Really Bothering Us: Example
We may think we know what’s troubling us, but our intelligence knows what really is. Drawing on this resource allows stress management to occur efficiently, thoroughly, and quickly. Continue reading
5. Applied Kinesiology and The Stress Evaluation
Regardless of the reasons clients come in, Graf Stress Management uses the same procedure on all: a technique known as the Stress Evaluation, which incorporates questions, applied kinesiology, and the client’s intelligence and energy field. Continue reading
6. The Eight Basic Types of Stress
The Stress Evaluation, Graf Stress Management’s signature technique, categorizes stress into eight types and then proceeds to greater specificity until the components are established and resolved. Continue reading
7. Example: Clear Answers from the Stress Evaluation
A woman came to see me about hair loss. She was in the midst of a bitter divorce, but surprisingly, that was not he reason her hair was falling out. Rather, her intelligence pointed to a years-old business matter that, in the contect of recent events, had subconsciously felt like a breach of her integrity. Thanks to the Stress Evaluation, she was able to not be misled by the obvious but instead to identify and resolve the actual problem. Continue reading
8. Any Illness Can Come from Stress
Stress does more than just make people feel “uptight.” In over forty years of clinical use with thousands of clients, Graf Stress Management has found stress at the root of all types of illness, from the transitory (e.g., headaches) to the chronic (infertility, fibromyalgia, addiction) to the debilitating and terminal (cancer, lupus, AIDS, bipolar disorder). Continue reading
9. The Roles of Illness: Escape, Justification, and Punishment
For the most part, health problems do not just “happen” but are the result of our intelligence giving us what we subconsciously need, whether it be an escape from a situation we can’t cope with, a justification of our feelings, or a punishment of our self or someone else. Continue reading
10. The Vital Role of Value Standards
Despite society’s endorsement of ever-lower value standards, the stress evaluation reveals that each of us has high value standards in a number of important areas (e.g., morality, integrity, honesty and fidelity) which cannot be lowered. While we are free to live beneath these standards, doing so constitutes a debilitating stress on us. Interestingly, these values appear to be inborn and may be raised as we gain further insight. That is, our baseline of acceptable behavior rises as we recognize a superior standard, but it cannot be adjusted downward unless we have internalized a false standard, which CAN be discarded. We appear to be hard-wired on an upward path, straying from which is very stressful to us. Continue reading
11. Forgiveness: The Most Effective Way to Handle Stress
A predominant insight of Graf Stress Management is that forgiveness is not a mere social nicety but in fact an unparalleled ‘magic bullet’ for relieving stress and counteracting its mental and physical debilitation. However, to be effective, forgiveness must be targeted to the specific offense causing problems for us, which can be difficult to discern with the conscious mind, thus highlighting the value of the Stress Evaluation. Continue reading
12. The Technical Steps of Forgiveness
Graf Stress Management has developed technical guidelines to make forgiveness happen, moving it from the conceptual realm to a practical tool with real and powerful benefits. Continue reading
13. Example: Forgiveness Lets Healing Happen
A terminally ill man found peace of mind and recovery by doing that which he’d never considered, and certainly never considered possible: forgiving someone who had badly wronged him years ago. Continue reading
14. Example: The Transformative Power of Forgiveness
The inspiring account of a Nazi prison camp survivor provides a dramatic illustration of the transformative power, both mentally and physically, of forgiveness and love. Continue reading
15. Do I Need to Believe In It For It To Work?
Belief in the theory underlying Graf Stress Management does not appear necessary to its success. What really matters is dealing with the stress. For instance, even though I doubted stress had anything to do with the nausea I was experiencing during pregnancy, one I took care of the stress pinpointed in the Stress Evaluation, the nausea promptly left, and for good. Continue reading
16. Does Graf Stress Management Work for Everyone?
Although the principles underlying Graf Stress Management appear to be universal, the nature of the technique is not suited to everyone. Like everything in life, individual agency, or choice, determines its success. Continue reading
17. The Good News About Stress and Illness
Some dismiss Graf Stress Management’s model of stress-caused illness as simplistic; others take offense at what they wrongly consider a blame-the-victim put-down: ‘We make ourselves sick.’ But nearly forty years of clinical use has shown it to work, whether or not we understand how. Ultimately, this particular view of the link between stress and illness is good news indeed because it means we can improve our situation by taking care of our stress, rather than being at the mercy of illnesses which “just happen,” having nothing to rely on but generalized or “brute-force” solutions. Continue reading